Climbing Coach

Athletic Trainer

Rope Access Technician


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Climbing Coach

Athletic Trainer

Rope Access Technician

3 August 2021 Zurkhaneh training Roma

  LO SPORT DEGLI EROI “ZURKHANEH” Le lezioni tratteranno i seguenti aspetti: – Pa zadan (Foot work) – Sheno Board…

22 July 2021 Grip strength is the key for effective muscle recruitment

  Grip strength is the key for effective muscle recruitment. Increasing grip strength is the key to improving overall performance…

15 March 2021 This too shall pass

“This too shall pass” ( این نیز بگذرد‎) Is a Persian adage translated and used in multiple languages. It reflects…

9 December 2020 Armor and Helmets of Persian infantry

The Persians relied heavily on missile troops and cavalry in battle, equipped with javelins and recurved bows. Slingers were also…