Climbing Coach

Athletic Trainer

Rope Access Technician


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Climbing Coach

Athletic Trainer

Rope Access Technician

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Increase the thickness of grip

Increase the thickness of grip

Increase the tichnekss of Grip! how it could help to increase your strength.

When you increase the thickness of your tools, the demand placed on the hands and arms increases significantly. You’re forced to exert more muscular force to grip the macebell or clubbels, which means greater mechanical tension in the muscles all the way up the kinetic chain.

Hear we go a simple example, try to Put your left hand on your right biceps, then make a fist with your right hand as hard and fast as you can. What happened? Your biceps contracted nearly as hard as the muscles controlling your hand. This illustrates the major ways that thicker grips will support strength and muscle gain by increasing mechanical tension in the arm muscles. It can builds more muscle and strength.

Keep in mind some rules for the benefits of thicker grip:


The thicker grip forces the muscles in the forearms to work much harder than before. This ensures great growth. Once your forearm growth catches up to your biceps and triceps,


Thick grip activate more muscles in your forearms and arms. By using more muscles, you’re easily able to move more weight.


By activating more muscles in your arms and forearms, you take pressure off the elbow. The thicker bar also spreads the weight over a wider area in the hand, allowing certain joints to relax a little when moving the weight. Finally, thick grip training also improve biomechanics on certain lifts – which is always a good thing for the joints.


The thicker grip makes it harder to control the weights, so you have to focus more on every contraction and movement.


Good luck and keep on moving!


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