Climbing Coach

Athletic Trainer

Rope Access Technician


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Climbing Coach

Athletic Trainer

Rope Access Technician

Sport Climbing Coach

Climbing and bouldering are hyped right now. Everyone is training with a system now, and new disciplines, methods, and programs pop up almost daily. This being said, some of the applications can overwhelm and between the forest of campus board training, grip strength, moon board, endurance, ancap core, and recreational training stretching and technique, tactics and yoga it’s easy to lose track. There are tons of ways of training for rock climbing, and it’s almost too much at this point.

The smart approach is following the training for climbing with professional and qualifies trainer, it doesn’t matter if you are Beginner,

Advanced or Serious climber please contact me if you want to know more about my opinion on your current climbing program or ask me to prepare personilized one for your training section.

If you require any further information, feel free to contact me.