Climbing Coach

Athletic Trainer

Rope Access Technician


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Climbing Coach

Athletic Trainer

Rope Access Technician

Tree Work & Rope Access

I am IRATA certified technition and also quailified tree worker.The Rope Access is a safe method of working at height where specially designed ropes and associated equipment are used to gain access to and from the work position.

The advantage of using rope access methods mainly lies in the safety and speed with which workers can get to or from difficult locations to carry out their work, often with minimal impact on other operations, surrounding areas and the environment.

The primary objective when using rope access methods is to carry out the work efficiently, with minimal accidents, incidents or dangerous occurrences. To ensure a safe system of work is maintained always, whilst avoiding damage to property or harm to the environment, careful planning and documented risk assessments are undertaken for each operation.

For moment I work in Rome area mostly on Theatrical rigging system and Tree Work.


Contact me for consulting